New moon in Scorpio (Nov 4th) Mercury ingress Scorpio (Nov 5th) Venus ingress Capricorn (Nov 4th) Mars squares Saturn -fixed signs water and air- (Nov 10th) Lunar eclipse Scorpio (19th November) Mars opposite Uranus (17th) (difficult aspect) Sun ingress sag (21st) Mercury ingress Sagittarius (24th) Mercury conjunct Sun (28th) SATURN SQUARE URANUS -Saturn within 3
Here’s an oversimplified explanation: Astrology is the study of the cosmos, specifically the influence they have on us. Astrologers like myself, believe the position of the luminaries, planets, and asteroids at the moment of our birth has an effect on our personalities. Tip/Instruction We recommend starting off with reading for the sign of your Ascendant.
Pisces, you are moving around a lot this month; what are you searching for? During this month, you find yourself searching for the meaning of life. More specifically, what brings meaning to your life. PURPOSE. Through communications with others, you will find that your beliefs are transformed. With venus ingress into Capricorn, you find that
This month’s focus is on public image. You will see this through changes occurring in your place of work, potentially the results of being recognized for your efforts. At this time, you are concerned about how this current period will affect your future status. Is this serving your future goals? Do you know where you
During this month, you may find that your social life is at the focus. You may find yourself building your network during this time, particularly a boost through a notable figure. The energy you place into your social life will pay off through a gain in your social life, which may bring forth improvements in
This period may feel unusual for you; where you feel the need to bring your energy inwards (you may even feel that your social life is being momentarily restricted). Digging deep into your beliefs and what’s been holding you back. You may find an inner transformation through the energy you have been placing into yourself.
Scorpio, I hope Joe Goldberg hasn’t given you any crazy ideas. During this month, you feel empowered in your sense of self. Have you been working on transforming your appearance? Be bold, Scorpio! You desire to be recognized and become further aware of how others see you. With this month’s energy, you may feel that
Libra what are you purging in your life? In recent times you have found that harmony in relationships comes at a cost. I am wondering if that cost relates to your ability to communicate freely in your environment. During this month you are combing through your resources and values. Ask yourself does this still serve
Virgo, you have been working in the dark for some time. This month’s focus is on communications and your environment. During this period, you feel the calling to express your energy- to share your ideas through collaboration. With this energy, these ideas may be provoking you to dig deeper into how you see the world
The focus is home life, particularly the areas that makeup home. During this time, you are curious as to how your foundation was made. An inner search is how you will move out of this stagnant feeling. You have been working to grow but struggling to make that change. The key is turning your energy